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Your product selection from Rooster Ridge Farm

1/4,1/2,or whole cow

$6.00 per pound

We are excited to announce that we will be offering free graze grass-fed beef either Angus, Angus sired, limited quantity Hereford, and future plans for adding Akaushi sired Wagyu beef, at an extra cost, for sale by the whole cow, 1/2 cow or 1/4 cow.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

Check current availability

About Rooster Ridge Farm

Our journey as farmers began back in 1999 when we were lead to start a chicken farm operation. In 2015 due to circumstances beyond our control, the company that we partnered with went out of business and we were suddenly out of business ourselves. We then converted two of our chicken houses into greenhouses, with the help of friends and church family, to grow sweet potato slips. After five years it became clear it was more than our small family could handle and was not supporting us. We needed to find out how to support our farm in a different way. With the changes in our world at large, we saw a need to be able to feed our family independent of the outside market and purchased cattle to fill this need. Friends and acquaintances approached us about doing the same for them and out of the need of others our Cattle journey has begun. Our mission is to be good stewards and be conscious of the gifts we have been given and share them with those that have the same needs and desires. Our desire is to give you the best quality meat possible at a fair price that you may be able to feed your family and enjoy time together around the table building lasting memories and a bond that will last longer than the meal that is put before you!


Rooster Ridge Farm
P.O. Box 373
Fuquay Varina, NC 27526

More products from Rooster Ridge Farm

1/4,1/2,or whole cow

$6.00 per pound

More information

We are excited to announce that we will be offering free graze grass-fed beef either Angus, Angus sired, limited quantity Hereford, and future plans for adding Akaushi sired Wagyu beef, at an extra cost, for sale by the whole cow, 1/2 cow or 1/4 cow.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

Check availability